Sunday, November 18, 2012

Brynn: 5 months!

Brynn you are growing into such a fun little girl! You are very curious to your surrounding and like to be busy! I imagine this is only a taste of what is to come in terms of "busyness"! :) Everything goes into the mouth and you are beyond curious when we eat. You like to try and grab whatever is on the plate and put in your mouth but you have to wait one more short month! You continue to yell/sing at quite a loud pitch which we still find endearing. The best noise by far is your baby belly laugh. Your dad and I work very hard to make you laugh because there is no better sound to our ears! There is nothing like a happy baby to make you smile and remember what really matters in life. You continue to be very strong and enjoy time in your bouncer. Everyone likes to tell us that you'll walk early because you like to stand so much. You have really started to notice Magnus and if he gets too close you like to take a handful of fur or try to put his leg in your mouth (along with everything else!). 
We won't see the doctor until your 6 month appointment but you are obviously growing. You are thriving at home while mom goes to work and even though she misses you so much we've found a good balance of work/family life. 

This next month will bring your first plane ride (wish us luck!) and your first Thanksgiving. 

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