Thursday, January 31, 2013

Lutsen 2013

We spent a nice long weekend with Grandma and Grandpa Palmer up on the north shore. Here's the recap:
The good:

  • Grandpa and Kyle went skiing and had great snow on Friday.
  • Mom took a long jacuzzi bath and got a hot stone massage while Grandma watched Brynn.
  • Brynn went sledding for the first time. And by sledding I mean being slowly pulled on level surfaces covered in snow.  Maybe you'll get a hill next year sweet baby.. maybe.
  • Mom and dad ate dinner... alone.

The bad:

  • Gophers lost to Wisconsin by one point. :(

The Ugly:

  • Driving up to Lutsen during Brynn's bed time. Girlfriend likes her milk, a cuddle and a bed and she made this known. Note to self: don't do that again.
  • When we arrived home I started my first of probably 3 loads of laundry...only to come down to a soaking wet rug and a broken machine. Needless to say the laundry is piling up and Brynn is on her last pair of pjs. Luckily dad installed the new washer yesterday. 

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Cloth diapers

Brynn in her "wild" cloth diaper taken 3 months ago!

We started using cloth on Brynn at about 3 weeks of age. Prior to then she was too small to comfortably fit as we use one-size diapers that should fit up to 35lbs. And she was too big for the extra small diapers we made. To be fair we still only use cloth during the day and switch to disposable or paper diapers as I like to call them at night or when we travel.

Brynn at 8 weeks

Oma and I sewed all of her diapers and we have about 21 diapers and 40 bamboo inserts (which I purchase through a co-op).
Using cloth (even part time) has a number of benefits.
1. Cost. Even though there is a "start-up" cost making your own significantly reduces this. After the initial cost we rarely have to put purchase paper diapers. They "say" babies will have 10-12 dirty/wet diapers a day in the beginning and 6-8 as they get older but the truth is you go through a lot more diapers than just 6-8. There are many times I use at least 2 diapers per change (I think the record is 4!) because she'll pee as she's being changed or poop immediately after.. And since no parent is going to knowingly let their baby have a dirty diaper.. you change them again and the cycle continues. Thus 6-8 diapers turns into 10+ very quickly.
2. Rashes. Brynn has only had three diaper rashes and both came after sleeping in dirty paper diapers. Both rashes cleared up in about a day with Earth Momma Angel Baby diaper cream and only using cloth. The cream is expensive but worth it.
3. Cuteness. Cloth diapers are so much cuter than paper!
4. Environmental cost. Paper diapers don't breakdown in the landfill for a guesstimated 250 years. I always feel guilty bringing my bag of dirty diapers to the garbage can! Even though cloth diapers use energy to clean the cost is only about $1.40 (taken from a cloth diaper website) per load and in the summer I used the sun to dry the diapers so the cost is only about $0.45.
5. Potty Training. Kids who use cloth diapers potty train quicker because they are used to the feeling is being wet vs the dry feeling paper diapers give them.

The biggest deterrent for people to use cloth is having to clean them. You can get a service to clean your diaper but then you have to use a type of diaper called covers and pre-folds which we don't use.
I find cleaning diaper to not be a big deal at all! All I have to do is throw them in the wash (we have an commercial grade top loader which came with the duplex which is actually better than front loaders to wash dipes) with a cold cycle then a hot cycle with County Save soap then hang them to dry. The diapers dry in a few hours and the inserts take about 24 hours which is fine because I have double the amount I need. When I was using my clothes line outside everything dried in hours and the sun bleached all the stains away. Easy. It can't take more than 5 minutes of my time.
If anyone ever has any questions about cloth diapers (or wants me to make them a few!) ask away.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Homemade Granola Bars

This is a recipe I adapted while on maternity leave. I was hungry all the time while nursing Brynn and could go through a box of granola bars in 2 days. And when they were gone at 2 AM I was not happy... so needless to say I sought out how to make my own more out of desperation. Additionally oatmeal is really good for nursing moms, it can actually increase the amount of milk you make (thus increase how many calories you burn). I personally did not have an issue with low supply but with one addition these bars would be great "lactation cookies".

This is the original recipe: Playgroup Granola Bars which are fine in their own right but they were a little too crunchy and sweet for me so here is my version. I substitute applesauce for 1/2 the oil which makes the bars nice and moist and healthier at the same time. Additionally I reduced the sugar and added ground flax seed (found in the baking aisle) to add omega-3s which are important while breastfeeding. If you are using the bars to help increase your milk production you can also add brewer's yeast (found in the health food section of the grocery store).

I made 4 batches prior to going back to work and ate them for breakfast every day. The first day I went back to work I actually didn't bring enough food and found myself down at our convenience store buying something because I was "starving" (which I rarely do because I coach people on how to eat healthy snacks and I don't like being seen down there buying a cookie!!)

**Note the recipe below makes two full 9 x13 pans and it should be 1/2 CUP of wheat germ/7 grain cereal

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

7 months!

Dear Brynn you are 7 months old today! Your personality continues to blossom and you are just overall a joy to be around. This was a big month as you said your first word "dada" and are up to 4 teeth. You handle teething really well and usually just a bit fussier than normal. We actually didn't know your first top tooth popped through until we heard you grind you teeth together, luckily that is not a habit you continued. You do like to put your bottom and top teeth together and blow air through them which is really cute.

You are 17.5 lbs (64th percentile) and 27.75 inches (93rd percentile). Long and lean. It's common for nursing babies to lean out after 6 months and your doctor predicts you'll be in the 50% or a little below at your 9 month check up so we'll see if she's right!
Knock on wood but you have yet to get sick! We think we can credit you staying at home with your nanny to that!
You are really doing well with the baby led weaning. You love to eat and if you see us eating you look at us like "where's mine?". In addition to the precious list of foods you've added oatmeal (just regular Quaker) and applesauce. We're going to do some more sweet potatoes and maybe some squash this week.
You love to stand and can actually stand unassisted while holding on to your play table (with us right behind you of course). Except for the few times you don't care to roll over. You like to lunge for things which your pediatrician said is a good precursor to crawling.
You love love love Magnus our dog. You watch him and grab him whenever he gets to close. When we ask "Where's Magnus?" you look around the room to find him. He also likes you and continues to try to get an elusive lick of your must taste good :) We're lucky that he is so gentle around you.
It's been so cold recently we've pretty much just stayed inside but mom looks forward to some long stroller walks this spring. You rode sitting up in the cart for the first time at Trader Joe's. You loved looking around from your new perch!

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thursday, January 10, 2013


...Brynn's "Dada".

After a few weeks of a solitary "da" Brynn strung two together to the delight of her "dada" :) It's quite cute as she likes to get her whole body involved and will bob her head up and down while babbling away. Have I mentioned how much I love this age? So. Fun. She also learned to clap and as soon as I get it on video (and learn how to post videos) I'll share.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013