You've also really learned how to yell. I'm not sure where you learned it..maybe some baby conference call you were on...but it's loud...and it's really fake. You'll scream and then flip right over to a smile when you see we are coming.
You have really started to vocalize lots of different noises. No mama yet but I'm waiting patiently :) In the car we'll hear this tiny little voice jabber away and it's the sweetest little noise. You have also picked up on two signs, up and milk. It was just the other day you were a little fussy so I signed milk (you squeeze your hand like milking a cow) and you reacted to me. I didn't quite believe it so I did it again and you had the same reaction and sure enough you were hungry. We also work on all-done, more, mommy and dadddy. I guess it could be anytime now that you'll sign back.
You have the best belly laugh, it is so fun to laugh along with you. It amazes us how much you've learned in 8 short months.
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