Monday, September 3, 2012

Newborn essentials

Here is my list of newborn must haves! These were the items that were really helpful the first few weeks with baby Brynn. We still use everything except the newborn sleeping gowns.

1. Gerber cloth diapers for burp cloths. Apparently these are actually poor cloth diapers but they make wonderful burp clothes! I ended up with three different kinds as gifts but the thick ones are by far the best. They wash well and are inexpensive so stock up (I probably have 20 and need them all).

2. Washable changing table pads (and extra covers). I sewed my own baby bedding and made two matching changing table covers using this online tutorial. They are really easy to make and you will need more than one! I made mine in flannel which will absorb more than a thin cotton which will make you clean up easier ( I would assume). The washable changing table pads saved us from having to do even more laundry than we were already doing. Additionally the pads are great in the pack n' play for unexpected diaper leaks!

3. Netflix. Not for the baby but for yourself. Breastfeeding=lots of newborn snuggles. It also means the baby spends a lot of time attached to you or sleeping on you leaving your essentially immobile. Kyle was so good at bringing me everything I asked for (usually more water and my phone!). I watched the entire first 4 seasons of Lost during Brynn's first few weeks of life. Now that she's older (and I find the later seasons of Lost a little weird) I don't watch it nearly as often.

4. Tap Light. This was on Kyle's list when he ventured out to Target on our second day home. I needed a light that wasn't as bright as my nightstand light and easy to turn off and on. I've also heard those LED battery candles are good alternatives but I think the tap light would be easier to turn off and on.

5. Newborn gowns. These make middle of the night diaper changes much easier. We had 4 and that was enough since we were doing laundry so frequently.

And most importantly.... Help. Just having someone over to hold the baby gives you enough peace of mind to actually nap. I found when I didn't have someone over at the house I napped much less even if she was napping. It also allows you to get a nice long shower in. Additionally anyone that brings food over is the best!! We are lucky enough to have family really close but I've heard from friends that it's best to have any visiting family (even your parents) stay in a hotel. You need your own space and it'll be hard to not worry about your "guests" when you should be recovering and enjoying your new babe.

What I didn't need:
1. Newborn clothes. Everyone tells you not to buy newborn clothes but secretly you think you'll birth a healthy 6lb baby who will NEED newborn clothes. Wrong and wrong. Granted Brynn tipped the scales at 9lbs but she did fit into newborn clothes for the first week. Essentially each newborn outfit was worn once. Gather a few hand-me-downs from friends and return any gifts you get. Also I found that I was doing baby laundry every other day because her clothes were dirty so having enough outfits was not a problem.

2. Carters Flannel Blankets. These blanket are sold everywhere in cute prints and colors but they are pretty much worthless. They are too small to swaddle the baby and too thin for any other use. Return these or cut them up for burp cloths.

3. Pacifiers. We introduced a pacifier at about 5 weeks. It's recommended to introduce the pacifier around 4-6 weeks if you are breastfeeding since the first 6 weeks establishes your supply. But as it turns out Brynn is just not a fan of pacifiers (I guess I wouldn't take one either). She does find her hand often but we have yet to see her find her thumb (and fingers crossed she doesn't!)

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