Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Top baby products: the first three months

Even though Brynn is not quite 3 months old  we are days away and I don't think much will be changing :)

We were super blessed with 5 baby showers and many other gifts that were delivered for our special baby. Between the grandparents buying us all our "big" purchases (thank you again!!) we got almost everything we needed but a few products stood out as the best!

1. Aden and Anais swaddle blanket. You do not need any other blanket for a summer baby! These things are great swaddle blankets (granted Brynn does not like to be swaddled!) but they are also great for blocking out the sun on walks, cover ups for nursing, and impromptu burp cloths. They are worth the price tag!

2. Baby Jogger City Mini with infant seat attachment. Thanks to G&G Palmer for the stroller! Having a summer baby allowed me to get outside and get some fresh air and this stroller did the trick. It also turns out that Brynn LOVES stroller rides and usually falls right to sleep!

3. My Brest Friend. This is a must for nursing moms and puts the Boppy pillow to shame! The back rest and firmness of the pillow are key and I highly recommend it.

4. The bunny bouncer by Fisher Price. Brynn slept in this bouncer the first 3 weeks of life started with her second night at home (the first night was a little rough!). I read that this is common and many babies sleep in swings, bouncers, or car seats :) I'm not sure we would have slept as well (or at all) those first few weeks without it! She slept so well here I was nervous to transition to her co-sleeper but as it turns out she transitioned well and is sleeping there to this day!

5. Room and Board Carter glider. This chair eluded me for months. For many weeks I drove to the outlet and waited with the many other R&B fans to try and score a discount chair. G&G Vold tried to cover the days I couldn't make it and finally when I had lost hope we would find one Grandma and Grandpa Vold scored one while I was working at the hospital. They gifted the chair and ottoman and even included their delivery service. We have spent many hours rocking and nursing here and I imagine many more hours to come.

6. Arm's Reach Co-sleeper. Having your baby sleep near you is known to reduce the risk of SIDS and since having them close promotes breast feeding (another way to reduce SIDS) we knew we wanted Brynn in our room. It's a safe way to co-sleep an we love waking up to Brynn's smiley self in the morning!

7. The Moby Wrap and Ergo carrier. This is a tie as the Moby was best the first few weeks and now that Brynn is bigger the Ergo wins. The Moby was perfect when she was a newborn and just needed to be close to mom in order to sleep. Now the Ergo wins as it takes all the weight off my shoulders an it's nap cover keeps the sun and wandering people's hands off her head :)


  1. we registered for a chair similar to the one at room and board- did you get it cheaper than the price listed? If so, I think i'll have to start checking out Room and Board :)

  2. These product are also nice to be given as gift.They all are helpful for mother.
    Winnie the Pooh Baby Shower
