Thursday, April 4, 2013

Easter Weekend

We had a wonderful first Easter as a family. On Saturday baby and I  took advantage of the warm weather and walked around the lake to my friend Katie's new house. We had a nice visit and Brynn enjoyed exploring the new house with her new found fast freedom. It's so comical to see the number of people walking around the lake when all winter we've essentially had the path to our self or shared it with a few other winter walker/runners. Saturday night was the offical start to the grilling season with some turkey burgers and beers. Oh how I love warm weather. When we got home we had a quick photo session to grab some Easter picks. Now that Brynn is so mobile it's getting to be more challenging but I just got a new camera remote the other day which should make things a little easier (and less of a workout!)
On Sunday morning we got baby dressed in her Sunday finest while I changed 5 times trying to find something that was A. not black (doesn't seem right to wear on Easter!) B. nursing friendly and C. warm enough :) We ventured out to church and arrived ON-TIME, quite the accomplishment really. But despite our arrival time we didn't get seats in the main church and were sent to watch the service on a large screen in "fellowship hall" aka the basement right next to the nursery. In the end it worked out as Brynn was able to crawl around in the back on the carpet while the 5 children in the last row turned around the whole time and watched her. I'm sure their parents we're really pleased that my baby was such a distraction to their kiddos but what do you do?? 40 minutes later we were on the road to my parents for Easter Bruch #1. Brynn was the center of attention and got some sweet Easter presents. She sat at the table with us and ate eggs, watermelon and grapes like a big girl. With a quick stop home to pick up the dog we were on the way to Easter #2. Brynn and Magnus burned off some more energy crawling and running respectively :) Brynn got another easter basket full of goodies and then we had another delicious ham meal.

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