Wednesday, May 15, 2013

11 Months!

Dear Brynn,

You are on the fast track to toddler-hood. Even your clothes from Baby Gap distinguish 12+month as toddler and it makes me a little sad! You have become increasingly vocal and are learning to mimic the words we say. You are the best at "woof woof" :)You are also becoming increasingly fasting at crawling and at using your walker (if you've never seen it just imagine an old person walker but in bright colors and appropriately sized). You still like to take things out of baskets and another mama promised me you'd soon put things back. You still love to take baths and will happily play for as long as we let you in your little spa. You continue to eat anything and everything you're offered and now that you have your first molar I imagine chewing will become much easier! You love to spend time outside at the park or for stroller rides. The fresh aid does wonders for you and you usually take good naps. You've had a few bumps while learning to stand but nothing a quick hug or nursing session couldn't fix.
We can't believe your first birthday is just around the corner. Dear readers, please consider this to be your pre-birthday invitation. Our {new} house, June 15th, afternoon. Invite to follow.

Love Mama and Dada

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