Thursday, May 23, 2013

an update

Just an update from my last post to cover all the baby skills Brynn has and an update to her birthday. Due to our sanity running out remodeling our new house (and a few delayed deliveries which let's be honest are bound to happen!) we're moving her birthday celebration to Saturday June 29th. Hopefully you are still free!
These past few weeks have been an explosion of knowledge and skills for our little one. I can only imagine this will continue as she learns more words and ::gasp:: learns to walk. 
  • You point at everything and make an "eeh"noise until we acknowledge it. You did this in the toy aisle at Target then cried when we walked away. We may be in trouble.
  • You stand on you own for extended periods of's only time before you are running 5ks.
  • You dance when we play music. It's not very coordinated but you are our child so you didn't have much hope in the rhythm department.
  • You haven't had a bottle in weeks...all mommy or sippy cup. 
  • Words are a hit or miss except woof woof and dada. But we've heard mama, Magnus, meow "more like eow" but who's checking, quack quack and yes
  • You shake your head no with the best of them. Yes is less frequent but you've got it down. 
  • We've seen you sign milk and more. We're working on thank you. I'm probably going to teach you to say thank you after everything I do. Buckle you in your carseat? Thank you. Brush your teeth? Thank you. Change your diaper? Thank you. Motherhood won't be thankless for long :)

Brynn 47 weeks


  1. Miss Brynn is just Too Cute!
    I'm bummed we wont be able to make the new party date, we will be out of town for a wedding that weekend! We'll have to get together for a playdate soon:)

    1. Shucks! We knew the date change would be a bummer but we also thought it'd be best if we had countertops :)
